If you're looking to use Notion branding to promote your work, events, or creations, please follow the guidelines below. Together, we can create a brand that's immediately recognized by millions around the world. We really appreciate your help 🙏

Trademark usage guidelines

For more information on Notion’s trademarks (name, logo), please review the Notion Trademark Usage Guidelines. All use of Notion’s trademarks must be done in accordance with the Notion Trademark Usage Guidelines and the requirements described on this page.

Custom branding guidelines and marketing assets

How to promote your product or business

Many of you are creating amazing products like Notion templates, resource sites, courses, integrations, and more! Here are some guidelines for how to promote your product, and guidelines for how to use them.

On naming your product or business


🚫 Please don’t put “Notion” in your company name, product name, domain name, or social media handle. For example, you cannot use the following names:


✅ Instead, lead with your own product or business name. You may also add an additional phrase or description that indicates your product is built with and compatible with Notion. This phrase must appear less prominently in your marketing materials. For example, you can name your product “Acme’s Project Hub,” then include a phrase like the following examples below:

If you operate a website to host Notion resources (like this), please make sure to mention prominently that it is a community-run website and not maintained by Notion.

“Made for Notion” + “Made with Notion” badges

Use either of these badges when promoting your projects that involve Notion’s products and services, like templates, integrations, or how-to courses. You can add it to your own marketing materials across social media, websites, and more.

Group 1.png

Download it below:

Made for/with Notion badge.zip

How to use the badge

✅ Use one badge per layout. Let your unique branding and design take center stage, while placing the “Made for Notion” badge in a secondary position to the image or main message.